I can post products, productions, services, and events quickly myself. I no longer have to try to figure out the latest web technology.
As an Artist - Multimedia
I can present all of my artistic endeavors in a single profile.
I can establish a context around each piece I post. If I post a video, I can include photographs, outtakes, audio clips, and/or excerpts from the script if I like.
My resume and my portfolio are in one place.
As an Artist - Showcase
I can introduce myself in 60 seconds or less.
I can use features to make sure people see what I think is important.
As an Artist - Connection
I can establish connections with other Iristotle members and organize them into groups.
I can set viewing permissions to control who sees what.
As an Artist - As Iristotle Grows
I can see the art community around me or in other areas. For example, I can search for all of the guitarists that live in NYC or LA.
I can look for vendors who may be interested in presenting my work.
I can post and respond to job opportunities.
As a Curator / Vendor
I can search for artists by type and location. The search results are more meaningful because I have their resumes and portfolios at my fingertips.
I can showcase my organization in 60 seconds or less.
I can post opportunities and discretely connect to potential talent.
As an Employer
I can search for artists by type and location. The search results are more meaningful because I have their resumes and portfolios at my fingertips.
I can showcase my organization in 60 seconds or less.
I can post opportunities and discretely connect to potential employees.
As a Mentor / Benefactor
I can search for artists by type and location. The search results are more meaningful because I have their resumes and portfolios at my fingertips.
I can introduce myself in 60 seconds or less.
I can post opportunities and discretely connect to potential beneficiaries.
As an Audience Member
I can easily see the artistic community in my area, or any area, and know what is going on.